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Ministry Application - Cabin Leader

- Criminal Record Checks (CRC), for all volunteers, and Vulnerable Sector Checks (VSC), for those age 18 or over, are required every year as informed by the authorities.
- Read the instructions for the Criminal Record Check and Vulnerable Sector Check (a ‘filled out’ sample VSC is available online or at the ownership churches to help you if needed).  Click on the orange text to access.
- Complete the form(s) and personally take them along with the “Volunteer Form Letter” (below) to the RCMP along with 2 pieces of identification (one photo id) by Tues. before 4:00 pm and pick it up yourself on Friday.
- Criminal Record Check and Vulnerable Sector Check forms can be found at one of the ownership churches or at your local Police Detachment.

2. Criminal Record & Vulnerable Sector Check Volunteer Form Letter
No police check fee is payable if this volunteer form letter is presented with the police check form.
Click here for the downloadable & printable letter

3. Send your processed Criminal Record Check to the Bethel address (see below) or use the Camp Mailbox in your church. Or by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Bethel Gospel Camp
Box 2583 Meadow Lake, Sk. S9X 1Z6

Information received is strictly confidential

We recognize that this Ministry Application Form is extensive.  We wish we did not have to ask many of these questions.  However, to adhere to our insurance conditions, and to minimize the risk of abuse within BGC ministries, we believe this information is necessary to protect our campers and our staff.  Thank you in advance for your understanding and thank you for giving your time and for using your gifts and abilities to further God’s kingdom.


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Please Note:
Staff Training will be June 27-29. This is mandatory for ALL cabin leaders and open to other ministry positions (staff).
Theme for this year is “Royalty” Galations 3:26 "For ye are all the children of God by faith in Jesus Christ.”

Because a big part of the Cabin Leader position is sharing faith with the children, we would like to hear your experiences and understanding of God in your life.

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3 References

1. Please provide the names of three individuals, excluding relatives, who could provide a reference for you.  Include at least one reference from outside your church.  Please include e-mail addresses if possible. These references may be contacted. 

2. Supply these references with the below paper reference form to fill out:
Click here for printable downloadable PDF of reference form.

References must fill in this form and mail-in or send a legible image of the completed form through email to Bethel Gosel Camp:
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mail: Box 2583, Meadow Lake, Sk., S9X 1Z6.


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     I hereby give Bethel Gospel Camp permission to contact persons named as references to ascertain my suitability for ministry.  I release all such references from liability for any damage that may result from furnishing such evaluations to you.

     I also grant permission for Bethel Gospel Camp to perform a personal criminal record check, if deemed necessary, for purposes of my protection against false allegations and for the protection of those I serve.  I consent to such an investigation with the understanding that the results will be kept in extreme confidence.  I agree to adhere to the protection guidelines as adopted by Bethel Gospel Camp.

     I understand that if my character or morals should be deemed inappropriate and/or criminal at any time during my service, Bethel Gospel Camp will be entitled to terminate my position without expressed cause or prior notice regardless of any oral or written statement by Bethel Gospel Camp prior to, at, or following the date of service.

     I understand that Bethel Gospel Camp is responsible for the welfare of any person or persons entrusted to my care, and thus I will cooperate fully with the staff in the fulfillment of my duties and will keep all information I encounter in my ministry confidential.  If at any time, I find that for any reason I am unable to support the policies, procedures or doctrine of Bethel Gospel Camp, I will graciously and quietly resign my position.  If my supervisors find that I am in conflict with any of the policies, procedures, or doctrines and we are not able to resolve the issue, I will graciously and quietly agree to resign my position.

     I hereby acknowledge that the information contained in this application for ministry is correct to the best of my knowledge.

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Things to know:

A copy of this information will be emailed to you upon submission of this application. Please keep for reference:

Kitchen/dining hall staff are required to wear closed toe shoes.  Also, no long sleeves or skimpy tank tops permitted in the kitchen.

Kitchen/dining hall staff will receive duties from the head cook.

Maintenance/janitor staff may include duties that could stain or wreck clothing (such as painting or staining).  Please bring appropriate clothing.

We would like staff to be at camp by 11:00 am of the first day of camp but are free to come Sunday night and join us for our staff meeting.  Please let the Director know if you will be arriving late.

ALL staff will be asked to review our Child Protection Policy resources and sign a form saying they understand it.

All staff will be provided with accommodations.  Some staff may be asked to share rooms depending on availability.  Please let the Director know if you need private accommodations.  If you don’t need a room (staying in a camper or cabin) please let the Director know.

On Thursday we have a banquet with a dress up theme.  Our theme for the summer is “Royalty”, Galatians 3:26 “For ye are all the children of God by faith in Jesus Christ.”